Marcin Wojciechowski

SharePoint Embedded FAQ

Over past few weeks I’ve been talking with a lot of people about SharePoint Embedded and how it can benefit both business and developers world. As I’ve heard a lot of similar questions, I’ve decided to write a post about what SharePoint Embedded is and how I see it in current development landscape. What SharePoint…

Programmatically add filters to SharePoint List View Filter Pane

Microsoft recently introduced neat new feature on list view – filter pane. This feature is quite useful when using tiles instead of list (or compact list) as we can still use filters despite table header not being visible. This of course presents an issue – how we can configure which columns are visible in the…

Match made in heaven. How Taxonomy can simplify search driven knowledge management portal.

One of the biggest challenges one faces when building any kind of knowledge management system based on SharePoint is dealing with semi-structured data. Very rarely there is consistent data structure implemented across organization, usually we have to deal with columns created ad hoc by site members, on other occasions even custom refinement columns. Because of…


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Coding enthusiast, TDD evangelist, OOP champion and SOLID proponent. Likes to code as well as talking about the code.
For fun, besides software development, plays guitar, basketball and video games. Enjoys cooking and learning.

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